Home 9 Leadership secrets: rules of the higher game 9 Soft skills training Amsterdam

Soft skills training Amsterdam

McKinsey stated that 45% of training doesnt lead to change in the workplace. When you want to help your employees increase their level of soft skills  you might have notived that the return investment can be low.

It’s like taking a salsa class. People do the class but never arrive at the salsa party showing our mastery. It’s the same with soft skills when you follow a workshop or coaching, one or two days after this people return to work, their routine and habits. As a result you get, same actions = same organizational results. 

If you want to get a much greater return on investment – engagement, a dedication to master a skill and courage to keep on applying in situations that add busienss value – you help them to master the process of soft skills development. We call this masters of Talent Development. So, if you’re looking for a soft skills training Amsterdam, we show you how it can benefit you and your organization.

How will it benefit your organization?

  • People will deeply understand their talents and how to add value witht hem. This is a higher level of strategic thinking, turning talent into value.
  • People will get to the core whats blocking the next level of performance. For example, sometimes people work on communication skills will the essence fort hem is overthinking and anxiety.
  • People understand how to work through difficult emotions and feel the joy of success and confidence. If they conceptually understand this and experience, it’s a meta skill for doing difficult things
  • People understand the importance of action and reflection. Theire are many different lerning loops having an effect on performance
  • People know how to use their daily reality as a praxtice ground for increasing mastery of their skill. This is related to 10/20/70 rule of learning

Soft skills training Amsterdam? Tailor made to your organization

We can tailor made our program to your organization. It has been implemented for employees of ABN Amro, Google et cetera. Its suitable for organizations with a high percentage of highly educated professionals.

Read more about here or underneath in the Master of Talent Development

Master of Talent Development

About Tom Oor

I’m a Learning and Development Business Partner specializing in creating and facilitating leadership and organizational development programs with global teams. My focus is on Purpose-Driven Leadership and Organizations. We transform business value gaps into impactful learning solutions such as offsites, journeys, and global hybrid programs.

Core Expertise:

  • Accelerating people development for higher returns and faster results
  • Leading high-performance international teams
  • Purpose-driven leadership and organizations
  • Cultivating high-performance cultures

We have worked with amongst others ABN-Amro, Google, PwC, Booking.com, ASML, Scotch & Soda, and Top Employers Institute to design and deliver transformative programs.